Morning Ritual

Morning Ritual

Why Is A Morning Ritual So Important? Welcome to today’s post which is part of the productivity series and today I would like to talk to you about the importance of having a morning ritual. To be a successful entrpreneur or person in general it is esential that...
Good Habits

Good Habits

How You Can Form Good Habits In Your Business Following on from yesterday I would like to continue with this mini series on productivity by talking about how the formation of good habits will drastically help you not only in your business but also your personal life....
The Brain Dump

The Brain Dump

Clear Your Mental Desk (A.K.A) The Brain Dump Have you got lots of things going on in your head right now. You know the things that are stopping you sleeping because you keep avoiding the issue. Things that you keep putting off and always making excuses as to why you...
4 Reasons Generation X Quit Their Day Job

4 Reasons Generation X Quit Their Day Job

Discover Why Generation X Are Becoming Disillusioned With The Day Job For Generation X they somehow feel in competition with the Baby Boomers and Generation Y. They feel that they do not get the recognition they deserve and as the world wide economy starts to recover...
A Change Of Direction For Generation X

A Change Of Direction For Generation X

Are Generation X Looking For A Change Of Direction? Following on from yesterday when I talked about how Generation X are facing up to the future today I would like to talk about how Generation X maybe becoming a bit stale and looking for a new direction in life. Why I...
Generation X And The Future

Generation X And The Future

What Does The Future Hold For Generation X? If you were born between 1965 and 1984 then it is generally recognised that you fall into the Generation X generation of poeple. Generation X is the generation after the Baby Boomers and before Generation Y (Millenials). So...
Information Products

Information Products

6 Ways To Use Information Products Does your business need a boost? Consider employing information products to raise not only the level of visibility but also the level of expertise of your niche business. Here are six ways that these offerings can be useful. What Are...
What Is An Entrepreneur

What Is An Entrepreneur

Find Out 25 Characteristics Which Reveals What Is An Entrepreneur You may see yourself as an enterpreneur but exactly what is an entrepreneur? Here in this video you will find out if you have got what it takes to succeed. You will find out 25 common characteristics of...
Multiple Income Streams

Multiple Income Streams

How You Can Create Multiple Income Streams With The Six Figure Mentors Following on from the last couple of posts regarding how the Six Figure Mentors can help small business owners expand their business online today I would like to talk about multiple income streams...