Relationship Building Is The 6th Of The 7 Habits Of Highly Successsful Internet Marketers

The next post in this series of the 7 habits of highly successful internet marketers is all about relationship building.

Relationship Building

Relationship Building

Like Minded Entourage

It is very important to surround yourself with like minded and successful people. By doing this you will make your business more effective. Also you will start to adopt their mindset which will help you achieve your goals and in turn you will help them achieve theirs.

There is a common way of thinking that what you earn is a reflection of the income of your five closest friends. So this reflects the idea that the mindset and level of awareness that you have about money will be reflected in your friends and vice versa.

Here is a simple excercise. Think of your five closet friends and how much their incomes are per year. Add them up and when you have a total simpy divide it by 5 and you will get the apporoximate average amount that you are likely to earn annually.

Now business can be cutthroat and you have to have a winning attitude to succeed. If this figure is not what you want to earn or need to earn then you need to start hanging out with more successful people.

I am not saying that you drop your friends but what I am saying is you need to spend less time with them and create another more successful circle of influence. By doing this you will have more chance to achieve your ideal income.

Also by being around more successful people their knowledge, skills and mindset will rub off on you.

Creating Rapport

Creating rapport is what seperates the top marketers from the average marketer. When you create relationships with your business peers and especially with your customers you get to build on that initial contact you had with them and they get to know you.

Only when they know you will they start to like you and trust you. Once you have that trust they will then start to buy from you.

A great skill set to have is listening. Listening to your customers and Joint Venture partners to what they actually want. They may want your products in many formats which appeal to different groups of people so it is easy to use.

By listening to your market you find out what makes them tick and this makes it easier for you to supply the solution more effectively.

Personal Touch

When you communicate with people make sure you use the personal touch. People buy from people. In the online marketing world this is ultra important. It is quite a sterile environment as there is a computer screen between you and your customer.

As I have said “People By From People” so you have to reach out to them on an emotional level. If you can show them that you share their aspirations and values you are far more likely to connect with them. Be thruthful because people can see when you are trying to pull the wool over their eyes.

Research your target market. Find out how they speak and speak to them in their language. Find out how old they are, what words they use, are they single or married.

You can use a great service called Quantcast which delivers lots of information like what I have just mentioned and you can get a really good insight to what makes your target market tick.

By doing this you will find those people who like you and you simply provide for them. One thing to remember, not everybody will like you and that is ok as you are filtering people out. The ultimate result is that you have a laser targeted market of people which can only be a good thing.

Asset Building

This is where relationship building becomes valuable. If you have a list of people who know, like and trust you then the list becomes an asset and assets are valuable commodities.

Once you have that list you have a source income and traffic that is basically free. You don’t need to rely on Google or paid marketing strategies anymore. All you have to do is maintain the relationship with the list and you will continue to earn!

Joint Ventures

JV’s can be one of the fastest and most effective ways to grow your list. One great way is to attend live events where you can meet other marketers and form relationships with them. They may well become your next partner.

It does not have to be the people speaking as many of the people attending these marketing seminars will be at the same level as you.

Nothing beats meeting people face to face. A simple connection by shaking hands and talking about their and your business may lead into help and support on both fronts.

Also by doing this you can start to build your circle of influence as I mentioned earlier. You start to build a network which can be leveraged by everybody to help you all get to where you want to be faster.

So i hope that you can see the great benefits of relationship building and tomorrow I will finish this series of the 7 habits of highly successful internet marketers by looking at Modelling & Mentoring.

As always I wish you well.

pete harris

Pete Harris

Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant

Six Figure Mentors Elite Member

Pete Harris – The 7 Habits Of Highly Successful Internet Marketers – Habit #6 – Top

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