The Digital Experts Academy Introduces A New E Learning Platform

The Digital Experts Academy have partnered with New York based Grovo to bring to the public a brand new Micro E Learning platform.

The Digital Experts Academy have introduced this innovative new way of learning digital skills in a way of bite sized videos lasting 1-3 minutes in duration so that the information can be absorbed and implemented without suffering information overload and getting overwhelmed.

This E Learning platform is available to members of the Six Figure Mentors which is a sister company of the Digital Experts Academy.

Please watch the following video to see how this exciting new way of learning digital skills which can help you with your business and personal lives.

So I hope that this video has given you a valuable insight into the new platform of E Learning and if you feel that this can help your digital skills personally and in your business then you can find out more about the Six Figure Mentors membership by clicking on the image below.

six figure mentorsAs always I wish you well.

pete harris

Pete Harris

Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant

Six Figure Mentors Elite Member

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