What Is Passive Income? – How Passive Income Can Change Your Life
Hi there, Pete Harris here, digital marketer & information publisher and the topic today is passive, more specifically what is passive income.
So what is passive income? Passive income is where you create a business that predominantly runs 24 hours a day, 7 days a week on complete auto-pilot.
This means that you as a business owner make money without having to do all the physical work to ensure that money flows into you business.
There is one disclaimer that I have to make though. If it was that easy then everybody would be doing this, and the beaches all around the world would be full of online business entrepreneurs. Saying that if you built you business correctly, then yes you could be on the beach and making money in the background.
You have to put the time, effort and work in to make all this a reality. It will not happen overnight! There is no magic bullet or wand that will suddenly rain down dollars from the sky. You will have to dedicate yourself and work hard to get into a position that you make money when you eat, sleep and travel around the world.
Imagine waking up in the morning having the time freedom to do exactly what you want, and when you turn on your computer after breakfast, you have made a few hundreds dollars overnight. This is what you call passive income, and the lifestyle of choice.
The traditional way to work and do business is to trade your time for money. You do a particular task and you get reimbursed with dollars, pounds, euros or what ever denomination you trade in.
The trouble is that there are only so many hours in the day, so that restricts you to what you can earn. Yes there are some jobs and careers that pay a very healthy hourly rate, and you can make a great income. What you have not got though is the time freedom to enjoy you hard earned cash.
Weekends, if you are lucky to have them, are a luxury, holidays are priceless and then it’s back to the nose to the grindstone scenario. That is why passive income is a life changer, quite literally.
Passive income is the key to building true wealth. If you truly want to live a life of abundance then passive income is the key to success.
So How Can You Start Building Passive Income?
If passive income is what you want to start build, then check out the training and resources that the Six Figure Mentors has to offer. The Six Figure Mentors is an online business training organization that specialize in helping people build a profitable online business from scratch.
Instead of trying to do it all on your own, you can leverage the Six Figure Mentors training and mentoring programs, the proprietary digital business system they provide and all the other tools and resources that they offer.
The Six Figure Mentors recognise the importance of passive income, they are highly experienced online business owners themselves, and are ready to help you create your business and passive income streams.
So what are you waiting for. Click on the get started button below where you will hear from Stuart Ross, who is the co-founder of the company. He will explain how he can helping you create your own profitable online business, starting today. Click the button below to get started.
I hope that I you now have a clear understanding of what is passive income. If you want to live a life of freedom and true abundance then click on the get started button, and take you first step to the life that you truly want to live.
To you success.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Information Publisher
Digital Experts Academy Gold Member