Technology Taking Over Jobs – Shocking Report Reveals The Loss Of 250,000 Public Sector Jobs Being Lost In The UK
With technology taking over jobs how safe is your job? Look around you and you will see that robots and technology is replacing humans with hundreds and thousands of jobs disappearing from the workplace.
Now a shocking report from Sky News UK reveals that 250,000 public sector jobs are going to be replaced by technology.
This technology taking over jobs threat is now going to take the place of the chatbox that you come across on websites. We have all been on them when you have a conversation with a person to resolve an issue that you may be suffering from.
Now they are predicting that artificial intelligence software is going to improve so much that a robot will be able to hold a conversation with you. So if you are a public sector employee in the UK and all around the world then you will not have a job in 15 years time.
Now to read the full article from Sky News UK please click the following link and then come back to this post to find a solution to this ever increasing problem.
Robots ‘could replace 250,000 public sector workers’
Now you have read the report let me ask you a question. Are you afraid that you could be the next victim of the robots?
Look at your current job and think about if it could be done by a computer, a robot or some other automated process. Chances are that yes it could, so what is the answer?
It is to face the robots face on. There is a saying that “if you can’t beat them, then join them”.
You need to reinvent yourself and learn the digital skills to compete in the digital economy that we now live in. This means to create a way of earning an income by leveraging technology and specifically the internet in general.
There are thousands of people doing this right now to position themselves to become financially independent by creating digital businesses in many different niches or industries.
Now setting up your own online business may be a scary prospect. The thing is being made redundant because of a robot is even more scary. So the decision is yours.
You could take the risk and hope it does not happen to you, or you could take action and protect your and your families future. Imagine not being reliant on a company or a boss for your monthly paycheck. You could write your own with an open ended figure!
So How Can You Safeguard Yourself From Technology Taking Over Jobs?
I am a member of an exclusive online business education organization which specializes in training people with the skill sets to create a profitable online business from scratch.
They have helped and continue to help thousands of people create a lifestyle of choice and attain financial self sufficiency in the digital economy.
Their students have created global brands and are now positioned as experts in their field and are living proof that digital business is the way forward. This is compared to the traditional business model or life cycle of a traditional 9-5 job which can be taken away at any moment.
Now this organization is currently offering an online business startup bundle. It contains over $350 worth of free online business education and then gives you the opportunity to create a digital business with multiple income streams.
To find out more about this exciting opportunity please click on the image below.

To your success.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Coach
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member