Find Out All About The Six Firgure Mentors Momentum Day #7
The Six Figure Mentors Momentum Day #7 took place at The Crowne Plaza Heathrow on 9/05/2015. When this date was announced back in February 2015 an immediate sense of anticipation and excitement started to grow.
The Six Figure Momentum Day lived upto and exceeded the expectations of everybody who attended. I was one of the attendees and it certainly lived upto it’s billing. Momentum.
If you have serious aspirations of being an entrepreneur then you need to experience a Six Figure Mentors Momentum Day.
The Six Figure Mentors & Digital Experts Academy are the brain child and vision of two of the most successful internet marketers, Stuart Ross & Jay Kubassek. They have delivered a platform like no other.
They offer an educational platform for you to develop your digital skills, to learn every aspect on how to market a business online. They also offer you a unique program to build a digital lifestyle using their state of the art product line which you can find out more about by CLICKING HERE.
So What Is The Six Figure Momentum Day All About?
it is all about Stuart & Jay bringing members of a private community, that they have built, together so they can deliver some of the most powerful training on mindset development, marketing strategies and motivation with the sole purpose of instilling confidence and belief in you that you can succeed.
They are raw and to the point and are not afraid to share all aspects of their personal and business life whether good or bad. They do not SUGAR COAT anything. I felt very privileged to be in the room and I have taken away so much from the day in regard to conditioning my mind, the tactics and strategies they shared as well as being inspired to take my business forward and grow it to anything that I want it to become. There are no boundries and for the content they delivered I will be eternally grateful.
There is another side to the Six Figure Mentors Momentum Day and that is the people who show up. Stuart & Jay say that is leaders who turn up to these live events. Well I was in the room full of leaders. Leaders who want to get to the next level whether that is personally or in their business.
What sticks out for me is that people who you may have never met before strike up a conversation, offer help and offer a handshake. Frienships start to grow and business partnerships are created. You are around people who you want to be around.
No one is in competition with anybody else. Everybody wants everyone else to succeed and form a lifestyle of choice and freedom. What stems from that is that all the members of the community want to take what they have learnt and share that with and help the masses.
Meaning that people who are maybe looking for a new direction in life, to build a life of choice can realise that there is a solution out there that they are totally unaware of. You may be in this position right now.
The reason the Six Figure Mentors Community want to do this is because they were in that position at some stage in their life.
I am completely humbled to be in the same company of the other attendees and the community in general. I formed new friendships on the day and I know that I have more friendships to form in future events.
I would strongly encourage you to experience what I have done now on two occasions and I am looking forward to the next time I am able to attend.
You can find out more about the Six Figure Mentors and receive a complinetary video training series by clicking the image below.
There are two more Six Figure Mentors Momentum Days this year and they are in the United States Of America in June and the other one is in Australia in November. So there are chances wherever you live in the world to attend one of these inspiring days and I hope that you grasp the opportunity.
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Fgure Mentors Elite Member