Self Employed – The Big Unknown!

Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
A lot of people dream about becoming self employed but naturally a sense of fear overcomes them. What should I do? What happens if a fail? These are typical questions that people ask themselves. Also the safety net of having a large chunk of money being deposited into their bank account at the end of the month is something that people are not prepared to give up.
What is you turn that emotion around and instead of being scared of being self employed be excited! Please don’t let the negative thoughts overcome you. Put them to the back of your mind and have a vision of becoming successful in your business whatever that may be.
Look at the bigger picture. imagine yourself sitting in your office or standing behind the counter of your shop or working from home from your computer. The opportunities are endless for anybody with the aspiration of being self employed.
For myself I had always wanted to be my own boss from my early teenage years and I knew that one day I would achieve my ambition. For some people that does not always happen. Sometimes things need to happen for it to be the catalyst for taking the plunge.
It may be that you suddenly come into some money which allows you to start up. It may be your lifestyle at home changes when your children go to school so you have more time on your hands. For a lot of people the catalyst is their working environment. They loathe going to work because they feel unappreciated and feel totally unfulfilled.
For myself that was the factor. I woke up everyday dreading the day ahead at work. One day it was all going off at work and I just snapped. My then partner worked with me in the same office. She was pregnant with my oldest son. I turned to her and said I was leaving my job. To her credit she supported me so much so that she also left her job. The next morning I handed in both of our resignations and three weeks later we walked out the door.
I was always going to become self employed but that one day was the trigger and I have never looked back. I have had my fingers in many different pies over the years. Sometimes they have got burnt and things have not worked out but that’s life. Don’t be afraid of failure as sometimes you have to fail to succeed. Never give up and always have the vision of your goal and that will drive you on.
To me the best thing about being self employed is that you are always in control. There is no one telling you what to do and you live and die by the decisions that you make.
As far as I am concerned being self employed is far more secure than working for someone else. Some people may think that I am insane for saying that. I disagree. Look at it this way. If you work for somebody else, whether that be an independant business owner or a large corporate company, yes you have the safety net of your wages being out into you account at the end of the month but think about this.
What happens if one day you go to work in the morning and the company has gone bust and you get made redundant? Everything has gone, the company, your wages and suddenly you are into the unknown. How are you going to pay the bills?
Being self employed is different and it may depend on your business model. I have a cleaning business which I operate on my own. I have around 300 clients so it would have to be something pretty catastrophic to happen that all my customers suddenly called me and said that they no longer need my services.
Yes at times customers come and go, they may have moved to a different area, they may themselves have lost their job and are no longer able to afford my services. What I am trying to say is that if I lose one of my cuiomers there are still hundreds of others on my books. I have not lost my business or my income. Another thing is that for every customer that I may lose there are at least five more to take their place. I know exactly how much I earn day to day, week to week and month to month.
I also operate businesses on the internet which basically gives me access to the whole world. Millions of customers. The trick is finding the way to connect with them. it may be the entrpreneur in me that I am always looking for ways to earn income. Having multiple streams of income is the holy grail. Being self employed allows me to do that and it could happen to you!
So whatever your aspirations are and whatever yourcircumstances are there are many opportunities available to you.
It is also a sense of timing. This could rely on budget, time available to you and also you may not have any idea of just what you would like to do. Things will fall into place. If it is not now then it may be in 6 months time or even a year from now. Something will happen so that you fulfill your dream of being self employed.
Opportunities and resources are all around and if you would like some more information then you are more than welcome to contact me at any time. Just click on the image below and I can hopefully give you some guidance on what you could do and tell you a little bit more about what I am doing.
I hope that this post about being self employed has given you some confidence and clarity into what you would like to and could do.
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member
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