Here Are 5 Tips On How To Increase Website Traffic
So you need to know how to increase website traffic to your website and improve sales and coversions. Well here are five tips that you can implement straight away.
If you don’t get website traffic then your online business will not survive and targeted traffic is the best type you can get so that people take action whether that is opting into your email list or buying your product or one that you are promoting.
Don’t rely on one source as it is not advisable to put all your eggs in one basket but you must be consistent in your efforts. So here are 5 ways on how to increase website traffic to your websites.
Facebook – One of the most visited websites online and there are multiple ways to get traffic to your site and offers.
- Like/Share buttons
- Your Business or Personal Profiles
- Facebook Fan Pages
- Facebook Ads
- Sponsored Posts
- Facebook Groups
Pinterest – It is a pinboard style sharing site where you can create groups of images around themes and you can create public pinboards that are about your niche.
On the images you can include your website link in the bottom and make sure you use content rich images. Also you can include your website link in your profile.
Twitter – A microblogging platform that allows you 140 characters for each tweet. Add a twitter button onto your website using Shareaholic and set up a profile for you or your company.
Follow like minded people in your niche and look for the go to experts and follow them so that hopefully they will follow you back.
You can also link your blog posts to your profile using Twitterfeed.
Banner Ads – Place banners on targeted websites. If you are an affiliate marketer you will usually get these supplied but you can have them created using outsourcers on sites such as
When you find sites in your niche and place the banners be sure to use a tracking link so that you can monitor your performance.
Also understand where the banners are being placed and always know you cost per click or cost per impression rates.
Blogging – One of the best ways to get consistent traffic. Use Wodrpress as it is easy for a newbie to get a site up and running. Add social media plugins such as Shareaholic so people can share your content.
Use All In One SEO Pack to help you with you search engine rankings and always strive for quality content. Use images within the text and aim for around 400-600 words per post.
Share your posts with your social medai channels and with your email subbscriber list.
So there are 5 great tips on how to increase website traffic to your website and affiliate offers and I really hope that these help you in your marketing efforts.
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member
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