How Would You Like To Set Up Your Own Automated Income Streams?
Automated income is such a powerful strategy and gives you such a satisfying feeling when you receive a payment notification.
The thing is you do the work once whether that is writing a blog post, placing an advert on Google, Facebook or any of the multitude of platforms available. What you need is systems in place to make this happen which your advert links to.
This maybe a lead generation page or a sales page to the product that you are promoting. Once the system is in place it is a set and forget process giving you the opportunity to work on other projects within your business.
Whether it’s a digital or physical product the technology available now makes it even easier to set up multiple automated income streams which are working for you 24/7 in the background.
How would you like to switch on your computer and receive an email notification that you had made a sale.
This could be overnight when you are asleep or any time of the day. Below is a screenshot of my latest notification. It was lunch time on a Saturday and I had just opened up my email and this came through.
I sold 2 products to the value of $226.95 and received a commission of $120.00. This resulted from a blog post I had written 6 days earlier. The image below shows the earnings related to the notification and I am being completely transparent in showing you the product details, the date of the transaction and the value of the commission. The only thing I have blurred out is the customer name as a mark of respect for their privacy.
The post took me around an hour to write and it is now working in the background like a secret sales person providing a solution to a persons problem.
It is very powerful and lucrative. So how would you like to earn $120 initially for an hours work and then working indefinitely for you? How many times would you be prepared to do the work?
The money is nice but what is more satisfying is that I know that I have helped somebody overcome a problem that they were struggling with.
Money is a bi product of the value that you give. The more value that you give to society then the more money you will receive.
So when you are offering something think about it from the customers perspective. What do they require and then try to overdeliver on the value you provide.
So I want to help you automated income streams. I would like to offer you a complimentary video training series which is spread out over 7 days and it will show you exactly how to set things up so that you will receive notifications like the one I shared with you earlier.
It is hosted by my personal mentors Stuart Ross & Jay Kubassek and shows you the exact digital business system that I use to get the results above. Please click on the image below, enter your email address and I will send you the first video instantly.
I really hope that you take me up on my offer so that I can help you create the automated income streams that I have to enable you to receive commissions on a 24/7 basis.
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member