Find Out What Marketing Challenges I Have Undertaken Over The Last 30 Days

Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Over the las 30 days I have undertaken a series of marketing challenges set by Stuart Ross who is the co-founder of the Six Figure Mentors.
The series of marketing challenges that I have been set have been designed to form good habits within my online business so it becomes natural to perform certain tasks as a matter of routine.
The marketing challenges have been very intensive and produtive as well as being very enjoyable as I have been involved with a group of people who also have taken on the challenge.
It has been really inspiring to see everybody take these marketing challenges by the horns and implement in their businesses but what I really have taken out of this is the comradery between all the members who have helped, advised and interacted with each other to make it such a success.
Key Points Of The Marketing Challenges I Have Undertaken
- Blogging Daily – This establishes your website so that the search engines recognize it and it helps to improve you rankings. Also it keeps you visitors updated and when they see regular content being added they come back on a regular basis.
- Subscriber Communication – This is where you communicate on a daily basis with your email list of subscribers. Here you can give valuable content and form a relationship with your list. It also trains them to look out for your updates and they become responsive.
- Attracting Customers – This is to determine what your audience is. Who they are, their gender, where they hang out, what their pain points are and what they are worried about. Once you have defined your target market for whatever product and service your are offering you can laser target your marketing strategies to those people. This helps you communicate with them through email. There is one golden rule – If you try and sell everthing to everyone you will not sell anything.
- Branding – This is about establishing your brand as a person and a business. Identify what you stand for and what your values are. Once you do this then you can portray it through your business and people can identify with you.
- Consistency – Be consistent with every part of your business whether that be blogging, communication and also your marketing with strategies and things like your advertising budget. Once you become consistent then you can measure your results and act on them.
- Scaling Your Business – Your advertising campaigns must be congruent with your audience. Decide on you traffic strategies and analyse your costs and you opt in rates. If it is successful then scale up if not then ditch the campaigns.
All of the above key points are just a snap shot of what I have been doing as well as the other members of the group. If there is anything you would to know more about then you are welcome to contact me by clicking here.
So over the last 30 days I and the other members of the group have been implementing these marketing strategies into our businesses and I would like to take the opportunity to wish all my fellow Six Figure Mentors colleagues all the best and every success in their businesses.
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member
Hi Pete – a great summarising of a great challenge – Its amazing to be part of a business community whose founders actually interact with their members !
Hi Dave, totally agree with you, it was a really good challenge, could not believe how quick it went!