How To Use Viral Marketing To Build Your Business
Discover Facebook Viral Marketing Strategies
Viral marketing is a powerful strategy and when you use a platform like Facebook then you are onto a sure winner. Facebook has become a beast and since 2010 has become the biggest activity that people participate in online. It is now bigger than the simple email. Also if Facebook was a country it would be the 3rd biggest on the planet.
So just how does this effect you. Since you are reading this post about viral marketing then I assume that you have some kind of online business. What this means is that you take advantage of Facebook to grow your business virally. The share size of Facebook means that you can be confident that there are thousands if not millions of people who would have an interest in what your business has to offer. The other beauty of Facebook is that people can share your business at the click of a button. Hence the viral effect.
You may be thining “How do I grow my business virally”?. Luckily for you there is a simple solution. It is called Facebook Fan Pages. It is super simple to create a Fan Page, there is a lot of free information as well as paid courses which will explain everything.
This is not a tutorial on how to create one , it is to explain just how powerful this strategy can be for your business. The main purpose of a Fan page is so that your current and potential customers can connect with you.The simple way for this to happen is to get them to “Like” your page. This means that whatever you publish on your page will show up in the person news feed.
So you may be thinking “What can I publish on my page”? Basically anything that complies with Facebook’s T.O.S. You can post information about your business, for example products and services.Ask your fans questions and set up surveys. Put your contact details on the page, this will instantly give your fans the perception that they can trust you. Also you can intract with them, if they comment on one of your posts them simply reply to them so that you start to grow a relationship with them.
So how does the effect of viral marketing work. As I have already said when they like your page anything that you post appears in their personal news feed. When their friends see it they can check out you page and when they like it and their friends will see the content. It starts to become a bit of a snowball effect. Its starts small but can grow massively.
Then comes the “Share” effect comes into play. When people share information it can spread like wildfire. The thing that you have to concentrate is making the content you post good. Good information gets shared full stop. Make it engaging and entertaining and people will keep coming back for more.
The last thing that happens is that you or your brand gets noticed and grows. You start to become a personality in your field of business and quickly can become a one stop shop where you sell more of your products and services.
When you plug into viral marketing it is like tapping into gravy train of riches. Give it a go and soon you will be thinking “why did I not do this before”.
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member
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