Discover Why Pete Harris Is Creating His Digital Life

Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Pete Harris – Just who am I? I am an independant business owner and Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant.
My life is really good. I have a successful cleaning business and a beautiful and very supportive wife. I have three grown up sons who I am very proud of and they are off doing what they want and making their own way in the world.
I have a home in the UK and one in Cyprus where I go on holiday 3 times a year. Some people may think I have it all and in many respects I agree with them. This is just one thing missing, and I hope that that does not come across as greedy, which I will get onto shortly.
So before I get onto Why I am here I would like to touch on What got me here.
Over 20 years ago, 1990 in fact I hated my job, I was stressed out because of work and I was a 40 a day chain smoker due to the stress. Things had to change.
If you are in a position similar to this then you have my sincere sympathy. I know the feeling, been there, done that and got the very big T-shirt.
For myself things did change. I quit my job and started my own business. The safety net of the regular wage had gone. I had to make it work.
The first business did not work out so I set up the cleaning business and have been doing this up to the present day. I have also over the last 2-3 years been exploring the opportunities of creating a home based business on the internet.
So that is a short summary of What has got me here speaking to you today.
So now for the Why I am here. I can see the huge opportunities available to me to create my digital life and give me the one thing which I said earlier was missing from my life. That is FREEDOM.
When I say freedom I mean not only for myself but also for my wife. My main mission is to allow my wife to stop working full time and work only if she wants to. Learning the skill sets neede to run an internet based business will allow my wife to do that.
But it does not stop there. My second mission is to also help other people get into the position that they too can create a digital life so they can also experience the freedom of doing what they want, when they want and where they want.
If I can help just one person to do that then I will know that I have made a difference and an impact in the world. Saying that I have set a goal of helping 100 people create the life of time and money freedom by May 2016. Why that date?
It is when my wife and I will fulfill our dream of moving to our home in Cyprus.
That is why I joined the Six Figure Mentors because they will give me all the training,resources and platform to deliver my digital life and enable me to help others do the same.
If you would like to join me on this journey and be one of those 100 then please click on the image below and watch the video and if you like what you see apply for an account so that we can start working together.
I very much look forward to speaking to you and one day meeting you and wish you every success.
As always I wish you well
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member
Freedom, especially time freedom is also the one thing I’m working on. I think, to have the ability when you want to work, how to work and with whom you like is great goal you can achieve.
Thanks Bruno. Time freedom is hopefully what we are all aspiring to.