Find Out Here Some Great Home Business Ideas
Working from home is now becoming a popular way for people to generate a second income or indeed replace their existing job but people find it hard to come up with home business ideas.
What I would say is to base your business around your passions, experiences and what have you have knowledge about. In case you are still struggling I have come up with 5 home business ideas which are for 1 a low cost option and 2 potentially very lucrative.
Over the next 5 days I will be sharing them with you to give you some inspiration as to what is available to you to become a home business owner.
These posts are to give you some great home business ideas and for each of them there are tools, training resources and courses available online. If you would like more information then I am happy to help and you can contact me by CLICKING HERE at anytime.
Self Publishing
Are you good at writing and do you enjoy it? If the answer is yes then you can turn your talent into a profitable home business.
In 2015 it is so easy to become a published author. Gone are the days where you have had to rely on publishing houses approving your manuscript and putting your words to print.
Today there are multiple platforms to publish your work both digitally and in printed versions.
Did you know that you can turn a simple word document into a book by the click of a button? Well you can!
The easiest way to do it is to take advantage of the biggest E-Commerce retailer on the planet, AMAZON.
Amazon allow you to turn your work into a digital format with Kindle. They also let you produce a printed physical book through CreateSpace.
In both respectsyou can earn between 40%-70% royalties. A lot more than the traditional publishing methods.
Kindle – 70% royalty. Electronically delivered so no shipping costs. Once you have produced your content and designed your cover then simply upload it to Kindle Direct Publishing and BOOM your work is infront of millions of people all around the world.
CreateSpace – 40+% royalty. Similar process as Kindle. Upload your work and it is available on Amazon marketplaces as a physical book.
It is printed on demand. Meaning that when someone purchases your book it is digitally printed and shipped to the customer.
The costs for this process are taken out of the retail price and what is left is your royalty. Amazon then pay direct to you once a month into your bank account.
So the biggest benefit is that there are no upfront costs for you to incur. You do not have to lay out vast amounts of money on inventory. You do not need any premises to hold any stock and you do not have to fulfill the orders personally.
CreateSpace handle the payments and any customer returns.
This is a really good option for budding and more experienced authors to start or continue publishing their work.
This is a home business idea that I throughly recommend as I use it myself in my business. It can take a bit of time to create your work but then the process is handled by Amazon & CreateSpace so you passively earn money.
It is really nice to see the deposits drop into your bank account on a regular basis.
I hope this first example of my home business ideas series has been of value to you and given you some food for thought.
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member
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