Here Are 5 Home Business Advantages

Digital Marketer & Home Business Coach
You may be thinking about starting a home business and I am here to give you five home business advantages in comparison to working a traditional job or running a traditional business.
Some people may think that running a home business is hard work and to a certain extent it is but there are many advantages to having a business you can run from the comfort of your own home.
The home business advantages I am going to cover are more aligned to the lifestyle that you can enjoy from working for yourself.
I have been self-employed for 25+ years and some of the businesses that I have run have not be based at home until now.
I have run an open air market business travelling hundreds of miles a week buying and selling stock. I have also operated a cleaning business which meant I had to again travel a lot to my clients homes and provide my services.
Now I work from home and I live in Cyprus after relocating from the UK in May 2016.
Here Are My Top 5 Home Business Advantages
- No Commute – Working from home means you do not have to endure the long and time consuming journey into work. Whether that be by car, train or bus it can be very expensive and run into hundreds of pounds per week. Now I simply get up and walk into the kitchen, have my breakfast and walk onto my balcony and start work. No stress, no hassle just BLISS!
- Set You Own Hours – You don’t have to be a certain place at a certain time. No clocking in and especially no more trading your time for money. Yes you have to be disciplined and actually do the work but you can work your business around other things of your life. If you want to attend the school sports day you can, if you want to go to the shops when they are quieter then you can and if you have a particular hobby or interest you can do it when other people are at work.
- You Are The Boss – The buck stops with you. You are the boss and you make the decisions. No more being told what to do and when to do it, especially when the person doing the telling has not got a clue what they are talking about.
- Low Overheads – I have touched on this earlier when I said it does not cost you anything to go to work but that is only one of the cost saving home business advantages you can enjoy. If you have a traditional bricks and mortar business or even a traditional business in general there are a lot of high overheads you have to deal with. You have such things as rent, utilities like gas and electricity and before you say you have that at home it is not an extra cost as you pay that already. You have insurance for stock and public liability, business rates, shop fittings and equipment and finally vehicles to keep on the road. Working from home does not include any of these and again before you say you need storage for your inventory there are business models where you can get stock stored for very little cost and you can also sell digital products which you own or as an affiliate so there is no delivery cost. Basically you can work from home with just a laptop and internet connection.
- Being Casual – This is the least important but my particular favourite. Years ago when I was in the corporate world I had to be suited and booted. Smart suit, crisp shirt and tie and a shiny pair of shoes. In my other businesses I was a lot more casual having to only wear say a tracksuit and trainers. Now as I am writing this post on my balcony I am wearing a pair of shorts and flip flops.Heaven!
So there are my top home business advantages and if you would like to know more information on how you too can create a lifestyle business please CLICK HERE!
To your success.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Coach
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member
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