If You Looking For A Free Email Autoresponder To Handle All Of Your Email Marketing Campaigns? Then Check This Out.
I know that when starting any business it helps to keep the costs down as much as possible and with you internet business you may be looking for a free email autoresponder service.
Now what I will say is that with a free email autoresponder service you will not get as many features as with some of the premium ones on the market they will certainly get you up and running.
Then when you get to a point when you find that you can afford something with a few more bells and whistles then you can scale up and get the premium services which your business may need.
Now I have been looking on the market for some free email autoresponder services to save you the time and in my research I can across a service which on the face of it is perfect for the beginner internet marketer.
I just want to be perfectly clear on one thing though I do not use this service so I am by now way recommending it because that would be unethical. I simply wanted to give you an option so that you can look into it to see if it was a good fit for you business.
What I have done is looked through the features of the service and I have watched some video footage so that I am at least aware of how it works.
So the free email autoresponder service that I think that you should have a close look at is called List Wire and you can go to their site by clicking here.
List wire was set up in 2003 and is designed for business owners to grow their lists of subscribers as well as giving them the opportunity to communicate with their lists with their marketing campaigns.
It is perfect for the complete beginner as well as seasoned internet marketers and entrepreneurs to handle all their automated communication.
List Wire Features
- Building Your List & Managing Your Prospects
- Automated Follow-Up Marketing Campaigns
- Broadcast & One-Time Messages
So if you are looking for a free email autoresponder then this may be a good option for you to take a closer look at. If there is anything I can help you with regarding starting a business from home then please feel free to contact me by clicking here. I am more than happy to show you the systems that I use so I look forward to connecting with you.
To your success.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Coach
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member