Have You Drawn A Line In The Sand?
So what do I mean when I say a line in the sand. I use this as a metaphor of that one side is safe and the other is the unknown that there is no way back.
This maybe what stage you are at in deciding whetherto go into business online or not. You may be safe in a job with a nice wage coming into your account at the end of the month but are harbouring ideas of becoming an entrepreneur.
You are standing on the safe side but you can see a land of opportunity. You can smelll it and even taste it but something is holding you back.
There is a slight niggle in the back of your mind or maybe you are listening to too many people which are stopping you from crossing that line in the sand.
People who are happy being safe and not as ambitious as you. They may be saying “You must be mad” or “That will never work“.
What do they know? Maybe they are just scared that you will become a success and are trying to hold you back.
It may be because of money. If you think that it costs thousands of dollars to start up then you will be pleased to know that it does not!
You may think that you don’t have the knowledge or experience to run an online business. Trust me that is not an obstacle.
You may be worried about not having any support. I will support you and I will introduce you to hundreds of people ready to help.
You may be thinking “What can I sell?” or “What service can I offer?“. Again I have this covered.
Are You Ready To Step Over That Line In The Sand?
So these may be just some of the things that are holding you back. You may have others!
What if I could show you what life could be like on the other side!
- A business that you could start for under $300
- All the training, mentoring and resources you will ever need to become successful online.
- My personal support as well as access to hundreds of like minded people ready to help, advise and give you guidance.
- A ready made product line for you to sell with the opportunity to earn $1000’s for just a single sale.
You Are Here
The choice is here. Have you the conviction to step over that line in the sand and join myself and hundreds of other people who have already taken that step?
As always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member