Use These 5 Affiliate Marketing Tips To Avoid The Most Common Mistakes Affiliate Marketers Make
Affiliate marketing is a constant learning curve with new strategies, products and programs springing regularly so I have come up with some affiliate marketing tips which are evergreen to help you avoid making the most common mistakes affiliate marketers make.
So with these affiliate marketing tips I hope to shorten your learning curve and propel you on your journey of building your affiliate marketing empire.
Mistake 1 – Joining The Wrong Programs & Networks.
Some people only see dollars in front of their eyes and join the programs which pay the highest commissions and they know people who are doing well in a program so they join them. Every person is different and what works for one does not necessarily work for another.
Research every program thoroughly. Read reviews of the program and their products. The lure of high commission rates is no good if the percentage of refunds are high because it is a low quality product.
Mistake 2 – Only Using Banners.
Some people think that only using banners is the way to go. Although they are effective they don’t necessarily generate the most leads. putting the work into setting up a website and creating product reviews are super powerful. Graphics are great but don’t solely use them foor you marketing campaigns.
Mistake 3 – Promoting Too Many Products.
A common mistake for affiliate marketers is to join too many programs and advertise loads and loads of products.
You are making too much work for yourself. Having too many campaigns going will get confusing and you will not have enough time to manage them efficiently.
Mistake 4 – Sticking To One Method Of Promotion.
When you find a succesful method of promotion you should always carry on with that and scale up but you should always explore other methods to run side by side. The more successful methods you have the more profit you will make.
Mistake 5 – Ignoring The Small Print.
You must be aware of the terms and conditions of the network or program that you join.
Ignoring them and not adhering to them could mean for one you may lose out on commissions and two you could have your account shut down.
These are my 5 affiliate marketing tips to avoid making the mistakes that so many people make when they first enter the world of affiliate marketing and I hope in some way this has helped you.
Asl always I wish you well.
Pete Harris
Digital Marketer & Home Business Consultant
Six Figure Mentors Elite Member